Google Play Integration Setup Guide

Google Play Integration Setup Guide

Connecting your Google Play account with Leapfin is very simple, and overall should not take more than 5-10 minutes.  There are three keys that Leapfin needs to programmatically pull your financial reports on your behalf: Service Account Email, Service Account Private Key, and Google Cloud Storage Bucket ID. Please follow the instructions below step-by-step:

Your Google Play financial reports are stored in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket. To grant Leapfin access to this bucket, please perform the detailed guide below:

Step 1:  Create a Service Account for Leapfin on Google Developers Console

Navigate to: and sign in to the Google Developers Console. If you already have a project, use the drop-down to select a project. If you don’t have a project listed, please click on Create Project.

Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts > Create Service Account

Fill in the account details, copy the Service Account Email and select Create.

Click on Create Key, a JSON file containing the Private Key for Service Account would be downloaded. Copy this file to a safe location.

Sample file contents:

{  "type": "service_account",  "project_id": "strong-radius-250406",  "private_key_id": "75c3e381bfcd1d986e9e232efcc1676508bbfeaa",  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCjc+6LRJ6w++Zw\nZ6Sd9xPrYthoTAE8vVEGqRarcyn5W5Gh+5KbYBFGH/fqAI5OuuIDGZ2HpqmIA7h\neoUTamgKULYddnJcIx9uQfi+Vxx/IZJm0QwLc8LZ5PSPOoU6hMOfibV7FBgYJrbd\nx21d29AYUk0DoAoRGZmR8hMpGUDmmm7pnZJDW08BafJyVmbC6E0iXMKCyP9cVEKw\ndDIBaqOmHsQh9FRfpKZi4wBBuEGBWrApFkGW/J53u1iDHPOhOWBrOkS2Fxg1hvpK\namOroIjruWC8E2mJuRSv2p9g+9eoIal+/kcSxEC02PFQ6pZvBf2E70rQE7PRqctdXcsTx71+VYhbXfwP19Ee3gAeci\nydaLKCtmbboXGmJ60W4b4e/eVrYnIyOMQ72bjFXHkERsllzUtKmaHr5DsQKBgHNZ\nqyo3E2XXBBJvdRGB69RSVqbvE4aU4KsU0O/iWr2zkzvn5a2RbUfVsMRQ0as5JfjU\n1CMFohme98lIx2BPXn/Ea7d8CWMhXrzPSFUgcz3Uth4cPyBraJ85qrwpKY92B70z\nYHPZ1uaG0XTViQmDatxw7UuE76TKdBDCarYJ3lSxAoGAAUTwjNBDA2XAu44f+lX2\nzwkmI2MeL+al9ryeFnkTCGXdozlFjjsKZy9k77uet0OSlMq9Y+py7TLNHPRIcJ0m\n4fTR/mgXiJJt7h/7jMiEZkZWMzcs1PmDmWX2UyY6L351BT9a9WtnS/fPqXz3HPKd\ns2JaYEg4iX3Ru1m/70W1Qj8=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",  "client_email": "",  "client_id": "118049637170674308455",  "auth_uri": "",  "token_uri": "",  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",  "client_x509_cert_url": 	  ""}

Step 2: Add the Service Account on your Play Console

Navigate to and click on Settings

Click on Users & Permissions and then Invite New User

Paste the Service Account Email that we created in Step 1.  Assign this account with Finance role.

Step 3: Enter the necessary information into Leapfin

Please login Leapfin, and navigate to the Integrations page:

Click on Connect next to “Google Play”, the below secure form will appear where you can enter the three pieces of information Leapfin needs:

That’s it! You’re done!